Friday, June 21, 2024

Lentini Death Indexes 1900-1929

 Lentini Death Indexes 1900-1929

Morti 1900-1908 FILM #1963176

1900 P. 2124

1901 P. 2258

1902 P. 2386

1903 P. 2491

1904 P. 2598

1905 P. 2726

1906 P. 2888

1907 P. 3009

1908 P. 3093

Morti 1909-1910 FILM #1963177

Item 1

1909 P. 105

1910 P. 205

Morti 1911-1913  FILM #2141856

1911 P. 1816

1912 P. 1925

1913 P. 2019

Morti 1914-1929 FILM #2141857

1914 P. 117

1915 P. 247

1916 P. 398

1917 P. 566

1918 P. 773

1919 P. 898

1920 P. 1015

1921 P. 1129

1922 P. 1234

1923 P. 1334

1924 P. 1409

1925 P. 1541

1926 P. 1654

1927 P. 1777

1928 P. 1899

1929 P. 2002

Lentini Marriage Indexes

Lentini Marriage Indexes - Various Dates










1890 - All marriage records are missing for this year.



1893 A-D only







Lentini Marriage Indexes 1900-1929

Matrimoni 1900-1910 FILM #1963176

1900 P. 853

1901 P. 941

1902 P. 1037

1903 P. 1147

1904 P. 1245

1905 P. 1334

1906 P. 1441

1907 P. 1546

1908 P. 1672

1909 P. 1793

1910 P. 1906

Matrimoni 1911-1914 FILM #2141803

1911 P. 1653

1912 P. 1791

1913 P. 1910

1914 P. 2032

Matrimoni 1915-1929 FILM #2141856

1915 P. 81

1916 P. 142

1917 P. 200

1918 P. 256

1919 P. 415

1920 P. 607

1921 P. 779

1922 P. 924

1923 P. 1047

1924 P. 1170

1925 P. 1285

1926 P. 1390

1928 P. 1498

1929 P. 1604

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Immagini di Antenati: Photos of our Ancestors

I attended a webinar on Saturday, June 8, 2024 presented by the Italian Genealogical Group.

Immagini di Antenati: Photos of our Ancestors was a presentation by IGG Board member and Past IGG President Michael Cassara.

One of the tips offered by Michael was a website called which features postcards and letters for sale. A search of "Lentini" yielded several postcards of the city of Lentini. In addition, I found this very cool image of an identification letter for Alfio Ferrara of Lentini.

Alfio Ferrara was the son of Giuseppe Ferrara and Cirina Alessandro and he was born in Lentini 26 Jan 1914. His address appears to be Via Cortile Melingi N. 7 but I am not absolutely sure about that. Check out the image of the birth record below and let me know what you think is the correct address.

Nascita 74-1914

For more details on future IGG events and to register to attend webinars for free:

I hope you are having fun piecing together your "Ancestor Puzzles".

Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Italian Honor Roll- 1942 and 1943

Memorial Day is still a few months away but every day is the right day to honor our veterans.  The Italians of Omaha were well represented in the Armed Forces during World War II.  We discussed these two newspaper pages at our last Zoom meeting and spent a good deal of time looking for relatives who served during World War II.

The American Citizen was dubbed the official organ of the Italian Americans of Omaha, Lincoln and Council Bluffs.  The Library of Congress offers the following notes about this newspaper:

  • -  Quarterly,
  • -  Began 1923 ; ceased Dec. 1985.
  • -  "A.C. Pini - Founder-Publisher, 1923-1957," Cf. pub. statement, 1971.
  • -  "An independent Italian language newspaper established in 1923 for Nebraska and W. Iowa," <1971-73>.
  • -  "La nostra modesta opera per tener viva la nostra lingua," <1971-73> ; trans." Our modest effort to keep our language alive."
  • -  Masthead ornament: Title emblazoned across the Statue of Liberty.
  • -  "Official organ of the "Order Sons of Italy in America" .
  • -  Available on microfilm (1938-1985) from Nebraska State Historical Society. [Also available at Omaha Public Library and on
  • -  English and Italian.
  • -  Description based on: 58th year, no. 9 (July 30, 1981); title from caption.
  • -  Latest issue consulted: (July 30, 1981).

See if you can find your surnames represented amongst the soldiers and sailors on these two lists. You may need to download the image to zoom in depending on the type of device you are using to view these images. On a PC, I recommend that you right click on the image and save it or open it in a new window.  This will allow you to see the image at its full size.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Arrival Story 1960- Vacanti Siblings Together Again

Do you have arrival stories about your immigrant ancestor?  We are looking for stories about how your immigrant ancestors arrived in the United States.  We are assuming that most immigrants traveled by train to one of the major ports including Palermo, Messina and Naples. I was searching the newspapers for arrival stories and found this one that my friends in Omaha might appreciate. The text from the newspaper article is transcribed below the image for easier reading.

‘Kid Brother’ in Italy Joins Family

-World-Herald Photo Caption: Mrs. Randazzo, Mrs. Anzalone, Yano, Joseph Vacanti... Happiest Christmas in 40 years

One of the happiest Yule-tide seasons in 40 years will be observed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Randazzo, 2422 South Nineteenth Street The reason: Arrival Friday night of Yano Vacanti, Mrs. Randazzo’s brother from Italy.

Another sister and a brother in Omaha will also share in the Christmas gladness. 

They are Mrs. Nancy Anzalone 2516 South Eleventh Street and Joseph Vacanti 1718 Martha Street. 

It was 40 years ago that Mrs. Randazzo, Mrs. Anzalone and Mr. Vacanti left their native land to seek opportunity in America. 

Yano was only five years old so he stayed behind with his parents. 

Mr. and Mrs. Anzalone visited Italy nine years ago so had no difficulty recognizing Yano when he stepped off the train with his wife and two sons. 

Though the entire family originated in Carlentini, Yano has been making his residence in Palermo He is a bricklayer. 

Yano said through an interpreter that it has been nine years since he initiated his attempt to get to this country.

“Everything looks good to me” he said. 

What will he do for employment in Omaha? Lay bricks of course. 

He will go to' work for his brother and brother-in-law. They have their own I brick-laying contracting company. 

Omaha World-Herald
18 Dec 1960
Page 26