Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Visit to Carlentini, Sicily 1968

Carlentini Postcards

About 1992
Carlentini, Siracusa, Sicilia, Italia
The images are from postcards received from my cousin, Angelo Randazzo, in Carlentini, Siracusa, Sicily in 1992. The lower image shows a panorama of Carlentini with Mount Etna in the background and the upper postcard includes another panorama with citrus groves on the hillside, an archeological site, the Villa Belvedere and the Palazzo Comunale of Carlentini.
For my friends from Carlentini, scroll to the bottom for my rough translation to Italian.
[Per i miei amici di Carlentini, scorrere fino in fondo per la mia traduzione approssimativa in italiano.]

The Cimino family originated from Carlentini on the island of Sicily. Our family immigrated to Omaha, Nebraska in the early years of the 20th century. Our great grandfather, Antonino Cimino 1878-1963 moved to Sioux City, Iowa and then moved across the Missouri River to South Sioux City, Nebraska.  Most of the Italians of Omaha and Sioux City are connected to Carlentini.

I have been searching for historical information on Carlentini for years but very little has been published. Searching the newspapers of Omaha, I came across this article that deserves to be shared with Omaha and Carlentini history buffs. This newspaper account of life in Carlentini was based on the travels of a gentleman named Sam Monaco in 1968.  He chronicles the profound changes in Carlentini between 1954 and 1968.  Here is a transcription of the article with a few images added to spice it up.

Date: Saturday, April 27, 1968 Paper: Omaha WorldHerald
(Omaha, Nebraska) Page: 4

Midlands News-Nebraska

Robert McMorris-

Sun-up Interview:
Sam Monaco

    THE Old Country revisited: When Omaha's Italian-Americans talk about the "old country," they're usually referring to Carlentini, a small city in Sicily.
    The first immigrant from Carlentini was Joseph Salerno, who came here in 1895. He wrote glowing letters home, saying he had found the promised land. That started a large exodus from Carlentini, where "Omaha" became synonymous with "America."

Sam Monaco image from the Omaha World Herald, 1968

    What is Carlentini like today? Our guide to this "mother city" of so many Omahans is Sam Monaco, now an Omaha produce wholesaler. While he was born in Omaha (53 years ago). his parents were natives of Carlentini and he himself spent most of his boyhood there. Accompanied by a friend, he recently returned to his "other hometown" for a two-month
    You would "hardly believe" the changes that have come to Carlentini. he said.

(Left to right) Old Market staples: Angelo Monaco, Carl Buda, Sam Monaco and Joe Vitale at 11 and Howard.
Notice that the Monaco Vitale Fruit & Veg Sign is in the background.
Photo credit: The Encounter July-August 2011 published by Omaha Magazine

No Donkeys
    AT THE height of the migration to Omaha. Carlentini was a city of about seven thousand. Today there are 13 thousand. Mr. Monaco said.
    "In my last trip there, in 1954, things were pretty much the same as had always been," he added. "You saw a lot of donkeys and horses in the streets.
"People did everything the old way. Many of the men worked on farms during the week and they slept there. And they would come into town on week ends to be with their families."
    Now they work in the new plastics factory, or at the nearby oil refinery, and things are booming, Mr. Monaco said.
    "People have cars and indoor bathrooms," he said. "And TV. They see quite a few old American cowboy movies on TV. Also, shows like 'Perry Mason.' But all the actors speak Italian."
Other signs of progress: Cocktail lounges, where the natives, in addition to wine, are experimenting with Martinis and a variety of American-formula mixed drinks.
    "They've got American whisky and everything," Mr. Monaco marveled. "And aspirins and Alka·Seltzer."

The Kids
    MR. MONACO found that the younger generation of Carlentini is spared the harsh realities that drove away so many others of their town in an earlier day.
    "It used to be that a kid would go to work, watching the sheep and cattle, when he was 6 or 7," he said. ""By the time he was 12 or 13 he'd carry large rocks on his shoulders. They'd use them :for construction work.
    Nowadays the kids are in school. It's just like in America. Girls in mini-skirts and the boys in long hair-although I didn't see any of the boys wearing beads. They listen to the same kind of loud music we've got here. They've got their combos and-guitars and all that."

    ONE thing about Carlentinians hasn't changed: "They love to sit around and tell stories," Mr. Monaco discovered. "What kind of stories? Well, like the traveling salesman and the farmer's daughter.
    "They were telling some of the same stories that I had heard in Omaha before I left. But they put more gestures and feeling into it."

Brothers Prosperous
    SAM MONACO was 6 years old, in 1921, when his parents, who were homesick, left Omaha and returned to their native Carlentini.
Sam came back to Omaha in 1932, leaving his family behind.  Since then his brothers have prospered. One is now the head of a bank in Carlentini. Another, who also still lives in Carlentini, is a professor of French and English. A third brother is a plainclothes investigator in northern Italy.
   "I was 17 and an orange peddler when I decided to return to America," Sam said. "I had forgotten all my English, but I was sure I could do a lot better in spite of the depression."

City Market
    IN OMAHA, Sam went to work at the City Market at Eleventh and Jackson Streets, near where he is now located. This was a bustling place where housewives thronged around open air stands to buy potatoes, lettuce, radishes, onions, cucumbers, peppers, egg plant, squash, pumpkin and sweet potatoes-all hauled in fresh that morning from farms of the area.
    A couple of years later, John Russo, one of the produce wholesalers, made Sam a partner. Eventually Mr. Russo retired and sold out to Sam, who in turn formed a partnership with
Joe Vitale.
    "In the old days, this area was so busy there were two cops down here directing traffic," Mr. Monaco said. "Now our business is strictly wholesale and we are the only ones left handling local vegetables. It's all changed. The retail business dropped off completely. And we only deal with about 15 farmers now. We used to have more than 30 bringing things in.
    "The airport crowded a lot of the farmers out of business. And a lot of the oldtimers have died or retired. The younger ones aren't so interested. And labor is high."

No Regrets
DESPITE the reverses in the produce business, Mr. Monaco said he is satisfied: "It's a comfortable living. This is still the greatest country in the world. I've never been sorry I came back to it. It's been wonderful to me."
    He said about half of the people of Carlentini today vote for Communist candidates in elections. But the Carlentini Communists are "a different breed than the kind we think
about," he said. "They don't stir up trouble or talk politics. I thought I might get into trouble with some of them. But I didn't have a single argument. You wouldn't know they were Communists if they didn't tell you."
    And whatever the influence of Communist ideology, he added, the traditional image of America hasn't changed for Carlentinians. "I didn't run into any anti-Americanism," he said. "Everybody still thinks this country is the greatest and ( they'd all like to come here if they have a chance. Especially to Omaha."


8/8/2016 Articolo di Omaha World Herald
Data: sabato 27 aprile 1968 Articolo: Omaha WorldHerald
(Omaha, Nebraska) Pagina: 4
Midlands News-Nebraska

Robert McMorris-

Intervista Sun-up:
Sam Monaco

    IL Vecchio Paese rivisitato: quando gli italo-americani di Omaha parlano del "vecchio paese", di solito si riferiscono a Carlentini, una piccola città in Sicilia.
Il primo immigrato da Carlentini fu Joseph Salerno, che venne qui nel 1895. Scrisse lettere luminose a casa dicendo che aveva trovato la terra promessa. Ciò ha iniziato un grande esodo
da Carlentini, dove "Omaha" divenne sinonimo di "America".

    Com'è Carlentini oggi? La nostra guida a questa "città madre" di così tanti Omahan è Sam Monaco, che ora è un grossista di prodotti Omaha. Mentre è nato a Omaha (53 anni fa). i suoi genitori erano nativi di Carlentini e lui stesso trascorse lì la maggior parte della sua fanciullezza. Accompagnato da un amico, è tornato di recente nella sua "altra città" per due mesi
    "Difficilmente crederesti" ai cambiamenti che sono arrivati ​​a Carlentini. Egli ha detto.

Nessun asino
    All'apice della migrazione verso Omaha. Carlentini era una città di circa settemila. Oggi ci sono 13 mila. Disse Monaco.
    "Nel mio ultimo viaggio lì, nel 1954, le cose erano praticamente le stesse di sempre", ha aggiunto. "Hai visto molti asini e cavalli nelle strade.
"La gente ha fatto tutto alla vecchia maniera. Molti degli uomini hanno lavorato nelle fattorie durante il
settimana e hanno dormito lì. E sarebbero venuti in città nei fine settimana per stare con le loro famiglie ".

    Ora lavorano nella nuova fabbrica di materie plastiche, o nella vicina raffineria di petrolio, e le cose vanno a gonfie vele, ha detto Monaco.
    "Le persone hanno macchine e bagni interni", ha detto. "E la TV. Vedono alcuni vecchi film di cowboy americani in TV. Inoltre, spettacoli come" Perry Mason ". Ma tutti gli attori parlano italiano ".
Altri segni di progresso:
Cocktail lounge, dove i nativi, oltre al vino, stanno sperimentando Martinis e una varietà di bevande miste di formula americana.
    "Hanno whisky americano e tutto il resto", si meravigliò il signor Monaco. "E aspirine e Alka · Seltzer."
I bambini
    SIG. MONACO ha scoperto che la generazione più giovane di Carlentini è risparmiata dalle dure realtà che hanno portato via così tante altre persone della loro città in un giorno precedente.
    "Una volta era un bambino che andava a lavorare, a guardare le pecore e il bestiame, quando aveva 6 o 7 anni", ha detto. "" A 12 o 13 anni portava grandi rocce sulle sue spalle. Li userebbero: per lavori di costruzione.
    Oggi i bambini sono a scuola. È proprio come in America. Ragazze in minigonna e ragazzi con i capelli lunghi, anche se non ho visto nessuno dei ragazzi indossare perline. Ascoltano lo stesso tipo di musica ad alto volume che abbiamo qui. Hanno le loro combo e chitarre e tutto il resto. "

    Una cosa sui Carlentiniani non è cambiata: "Amano sedersi e raccontare storie", ha scoperto Monaco. "Che tipo di storie? Beh, come il commesso viaggiatore e la figlia del contadino.
    "Stavano raccontando alcune delle stesse storie che avevo ascoltato a Omaha prima che me ne andassi. Ma ci hanno messo più gesti e sentimenti."

Fratelli Prosperous
SAM MONACO aveva 6 anni, nel 1921, quando i suoi genitori, che avevano nostalgia di casa, lasciarono Omaha e tornarono dal loro nativo Carlentini.
Sam tornò a Omaha nel 1932, lasciando la sua famiglia alle spalle. Da allora i suoi fratelli hanno prosperato. Uno è ora il capo di una banca a Carlentini. Un altro, che vive ancora
Carlentini, è un professore di francese e inglese. Un terzo fratello è un investigatore in borghese nel nord Italia.
   "Avevo 17 anni e sono un venditore ambulante di arance quando ho deciso di tornare in America", ha detto Sam. "Avevo dimenticato tutto il mio inglese, ma ero sicuro di poter fare molto meglio nonostante la depressione."

Mercato cittadino
    A OMAHA, Sam andò a lavorare al City Market a Eleventh e Jackson Streets, vicino a dove si trova ora. Questo era un luogo vivace in cui le casalinghe si affollavano intorno
stand all'aperto per comprare patate, lattuga, ravanelli, cipolle, cetrioli, peperoni, melanzane, zucca, zucca e patate dolci, tutti trasportati freschi quella mattina dalle fattorie della zona.
Un paio di anni dopo, John Russo, uno dei grossisti di prodotti, fece di Sam un partner. Alla fine il sig. Russo si ritirò e si vendette a Sam, che a sua volta formò una partnership con
Joe Vitale.
    "Ai vecchi tempi, questa zona era così affollata che c'erano due poliziotti che dirigevano il traffico", ha detto Monaco. "Ora la nostra attività è strettamente all'ingrosso e siamo gli unici rimasti a manipolare verdure locali. Tutto è cambiato. La vendita al dettaglio è completamente diminuita. E adesso abbiamo a che fare solo con circa 15 agricoltori. Avevamo più di 30 persone che vendevano.
    "L'aeroporto ha affollato molti agricoltori per motivi di lavoro. E molti vecchi sono morti o ritirati. I più piccoli non sono così interessati. E il lavoro è alto."

Nessun rimpianto
CONTRO i rovesci nel settore dei prodotti, il signor Monaco ha dichiarato di essere soddisfatto: "È una vita confortevole. Questo è ancora il più grande paese del mondo. Non sono mai stato dispiaciuto di esserci tornato. È stato meraviglioso per me. "
     Ha detto che circa la metà della popolazione di Carlentini oggi vota per i candidati comunisti alle elezioni. Ma i comunisti Carlentini sono "una razza diversa da quella che pensiamo
", ha detto." Non creano problemi o parlano di politica. Ho pensato di potermi mettere nei guai con alcuni di loro. Ma non avevo un solo argomento. Non sapresti che erano comunisti se non te lo dicessero. "
     E qualunque sia l'influenza dell'ideologia comunista, ha aggiunto, l'immagine tradizionale dell'America non è cambiata per i Carlentiniani. "Non ho incontrato alcun anti-americanismo", ha detto. "Tutti pensano ancora che questo paese sia il migliore e (a tutti piacerebbe venire qui se ne hanno la possibilità. Soprattutto a Omaha."


  1. 2-2024 I have accidentally come upon this article about Sam Monaco. I was lucky enough to have known Mr Monaco when I worked at Omaha's original Valentino's in the 1980's. I loved this gentleman with all of my heart. He loved telling me stories of the "olden days" when he came back to America, the beginning of the Fruit Market in what is now the Old Market, his friendship with another great couple--Carl and Lucille Buda who owned a store around the corner from the Fruit Market back in the day. I got to know Lucille while working at Val's also. Lucy was one of a kind---In her gruff growly little voice she sounded tough but she had a heart of gold!!! The world lost a great one to heaven the day she died!!! I feel so honored to have known both of these amazing "Itallians" who filled me with the stories of how it once was in the streets of Omaha. I can still hear their voices and laughter when remembering days gone by. RIP to both Sam and Lucy who I feel honored to have called my friends. Love you both. Debs

    1. Hi Deb, please send me a message in the message box in the right hand column. I would love to hear more of your memories.

    2. Mr Cimino--Sorry I just revisited this site and saw your message. I live in Nebraska and we are working on a "spring snow storm". Anyway Sam will always have a special place in my heart. We went in a van once to a greenhouse to get plants (a LOT of geraniums!!) for all of the flower pots outside of all of the Omaha Valentino's. I had NO idea where we were--just driving east. I remember going over the river so I do believe we were at a greenhouse in southwest Council Bluffs ( that I have found since then). We delivered them all over Omaha and then Mr Sam and Lucille taught be how to plant everything. It then became my yearly job to plant the flowers!!! Sam also LOVED to make Pesto. During the afternoon hours at the store when we weren't necessarily busy he would take me back to the "stoves" area and make Pesto. I didn't really like the green stuff but I NEVER of course told Sam that cuz didn't want to hurt his feelings. When I left Val's Sam was the one that gave me a big old hug and told me that if I ever wanted my job back to just find him!

  2. Carmelita de la Guardia Facebook Post

    Please contact me on Sam Monaco !
    My father Joseph Troia And Sam Monaco were best Friends from Carlentini !
    They were partners in Business of the Big Four Tree Company of Christmas Trees at the Joe Troia’s Farmers Market on 42nd and Leavenworth and they sold Christmas trees all around town and the surrounding area 🤗
    Would love to talk to you 💝
